(Panel A) Temporal evolution of the coverage of the polymer during the binding process when there are two binding modes with different temporal scales: a fast mode 1 and a slow mode 2. (Panel B): Temporal evolution of the extension corresponding to the evolution of the coverage shown in panel (a). This figure corresponds to the following set of parameters: kb1 = 1 s−1, kb2 = 5 ∙ 10−2
s−1, kr1 = 0.1 s−1, kr2 = 10−5
s−1, N = 5080, m1 = 65, m2 = 35, d0 = 0.57 nm, Lp = 0.715 nm, K0 = 700 pN, a1 = a2 = 5 nm, KBT = 4.11 pN nm, and F = 5 pN. For the extension contribution of the naked monomers, we have employed the Marko-Siggia implicit formula [Eq (2)].