Table 1.
Summary of methods for identifying regions of altered methylation.
Method | Package name | Platform | Analysis order | References |
Bump hunter | Minfi | R | Site-first | Aryee et al. 2014; Jaffe et al. 2012 |
Comb-P | Comb-P | Python | Site-first | Pedersen et al. 2012 |
FastDMA | FAstDMA | C++/Python | Site-first | Wu et al. 2013 |
A-clustering | Aclust | R | Cluster-first | Sofer et al. 2013 |
Probe Lasso | ChAMP | R | Site-first | Butcher and Beck 2015 |
DMRcate | DMRcate | R | Site-first | Peters et al. 2015 |