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. 2017 Mar 31;125(4):570–578. doi: 10.1289/EHP715

Table 3.

Characteristics at enrollment: full cohort, Gulf state residents, and home visit participants: GuLF STUDY 2011–2013 [n (%)].

Subject characteristics Full cohort, total (N = 32,608) Full cohort, workers (N = 24,937) Full cohort, nonworkers (N = 7,671) Home visit, eligible Gulf residentsa (N = 25,304) Home visit, completed (N = 11,193)
Age (years)
< 30 6,262 (19.2) 5,014 (20.1) 1,248 (16.3) 4,915 (19.4) 1,973 (17.6)
30–45 12,074 (37.0) 9,532 (38.2) 2,542 (33.1) 9,122 (36.0) 3,931 (35.1)
> 45 14,160 (43.4) 10,308 (41.3) 3,852 (50.2) 11,190 (44.2) 5,282 (47.2)
Don’t know/refused 112 (0.3) 83 (0.3) 29 (0.4) 77 (0.3) 7 (0.1)
Male 26,341 (80.8) 20,578 (82.5) 5,763 (75.1) 20,360 (80.5) 8,752 (78.2)
Female 6,265 (19.2) 4,359 (17.5) 1,906 (24.8) 4,942 (19.5) 2,441 (21.8)
Don’t know/refused 2 (0.0) 2 (0.0) 2 (0.0)
White 20,688 (63.4) 16,097 (64.6) 4,591 (59.8) 15,634 (61.8) 6,106 (54.6)
Black 7,425 (22.8) 5,626 (22.6) 1,799 (23.5) 6,943 (27.4) 3,881 (34.7)
Asian 1,325 (4.1) 781 (3.1) 544 (7.1) 218 (0.9) 76 (0.7)
Other/multi-racial 3,026 (9.3) 2,329 (9.3) 697 (9.1) 2,417 (9.6) 1,094 (9.8)
Don’t know/refused 144 (0.4) 104 (0.4) 40 (0.5) 92 (0.4) 36 (0.3)
Hispanic ethnicity
Yes 2,115 (6.5) 1,711 (6.9) 404 (5.3) 1,604 (6.3) 676 (6.0)
No 30,399 (93.2) 23,159 (92.9) 7,240 (94.4) 23,626 (93.4) 10,487 (93.7)
Don’t know/refused 94 (0.3) 67 (0.3) 27 (0.4) 74 (0.3) 30 (0.3)
Location at enrollment
Alabama 5,919 (18.2) 4,491 (18.0) 1,428 (18.6) 5,838 (23.1) 2,959 (26.4)
Florida 6,975 (21.4) 5,031 (20.2) 1,944 (25.3) 6,898 (27.3) 3,223 (28.8)
Louisiana 7,856 (24.1) 5,599 (22.5) 2,257 (29.4) 7,293 (28.8) 2,743 (24.5)
Mississippi 4,241 (13.0) 3,316 (13.3) 925 (12.1) 3,974 (15.7) 1,930 (17.2)
Texas 1,837 (5.6) 1,521 (6.1) 316 (4.1) 1,301 (5.1) 338 (3.0)
Other 5,780 (17.7) 4,979 (20.0) 801 (10.4)
Marital status
Married/living as married 18,337 (56.2) 14,096 (56.5) 4,241 (55.3) 13,531 (53.5) 5,577 (49.8)
Divorced/separated/widowed 6,137 (18.8) 4,593 (18.4) 1,544 (20.1) 5,223 (20.6) 2,610 (23.3)
Never married 7,840 (24.0) 6,066 (24.3) 1,774 (23.1) 6,418 (25.4) 2,961 (26.5)
Don’t know/refused 294 (0.9) 182 (0.7) 112 (1.5) 132 (0.5) 45 (0.4)
Educational attainment
Less than high school/equivalent 5,099 (15.6) 3,822 (15.3) 1,277 (16.6) 4,843 (19.1) 2,378 (21.2)
High school diploma/GED 9,436 (28.9) 7,158 (28.7) 2,278 (29.7) 8,319 (32.9) 3,789 (33.9)
Some college/2-year degree 9,382 (28.8) 7,301 (29.3) 2,081 (27.1) 7,552 (29.8) 3,351 (29.9)
4-year college graduate or more 7,584 (23.3) 6,026 (24.2) 1,558 (20.3) 4,504 (17.8) 1,640 (14.7)
Don’t know/refused 1,107 (3.4) 630 (2.5) 477 (6.2) 86 (0.3) 35 (0.3)
Annual household income
< $20,000 8,414 (25.8) 6,150 (24.7) 2,264 (29.5) 7,740 (30.6) 4,165 (37.2)
$20,001–$50,000 9,235 (28.3) 7,153 (28.7) 2,082 (27.1) 7,505 (29.7) 3,461 (30.9)
> $50,000 11,185 (34.3) 9,042 (36.3) 2,143 (27.9) 7,411 (29.3) 2,771 (24.8)
Don’t know/refused 3,774 (11.6) 2,592 (10.4) 1,182 (15.4) 2,648 (10.5) 796 (7.1)
Worked ≥ 1 day(s) on clean-up
Yes 24,937 (76.5) 24,937 (100.0) 18,943 (74.9) 8,968 (80.1)
No 7,671 (23.5) 7,671 (100.0) 6,361 (25.1) 2,225 (19.9)
aGulf state residents eligible for home visit: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, eastern Texas.