Figure 1. Lipid structures and simulation set-up.
Chemical structures of a PC lipid (a) and of the glycolipid DGDG (b) as representatives of two fundamentally different lipid classes found in nature: Lipids with a headgroup chemistry dominated by one large electric dipole and lipids whose headgroups comprise multiple small electric dipoles in the form of OH groups. Both classes are schematically illustrated below the chemical structures. Dipoles are indicated by arrows. (c,d) Simulation snapshots of interacting DLPC and DGDG membranes, respectively, both at a large separation of Dw=2.3 nm. With periodic boundary conditions in all three directions, the simulations represent a periodic stack of membranes with adjustable hydration level. The simulation boxes are indicated with bright rectangles. For illustration, water molecules are only shown in the lower half of the box.