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. 2017 Apr 5;3:7. doi: 10.1186/s40813-017-0055-4

Table 2.

Clinical observations recorded during 2-weekly sampling visits and slaughter lung evaluation

Weeks 5 to 8 Weeks 9 to 15 Week 16 to finish Pigs evaluated at slaughter/Number of pigs in the batch at weaning Average EP-like lesion score at slaughter Prevalence (%) of pleurisy lesions at slaughter
A1 Respiratory (+)
Neurological (+)
Respiratory (++) Respiratory (++) 250/786 1.2 12
A2 No signs observed No signs observed No signs observed 248/1005 1.4 1
B1 Enteric (+) Respiratory (+)
Neurological (++)
Respiratory (+)
Tail biting. (+)
202/1204 1.4 6
B2 Enteric (+++)
Respiratory (++)
Neurological (+), Enteric (+)
Respiratory (+++), Wasting (++)
Uneven growth (+++)
Respiratory (++)
Wasting (+)
Uneven growth (+++)
126/1063 7.8 1
C1 Respiratory (+)
Neurological (+)
Enteric (+)
Respiratory (++)
Musculoskeletal (+)
Uneven growth (++)
Musculoskeletal (+)
Respiratory (+)
163/709 4.7 1
C2 No signs observed Respiratory (+) Respiratory (+++) 157/1105 1.9 2

“+” indicates an estimation of a low proportion (<15%) of affected pigs, “++” a moderate proportion (15–35%), and “+++” a high proportion (>35%) of affected pigs. EP-Like lesions based on the BPHS system based on the Goodwin scale [36]