Figure 6. Transmission electron micrographs showing the localization of ATPase activity on abdominal phloem tissues of inferior grains at 20 DPA.
WW, well-watered; SD, severe water deficit; SEs, sieve elements; CCs, companion cells; ICs, intermediary cells; PPC, phloem parenchyma cells. (A), showed higher ATPase activity (arrow) on plasma membrane of SEs and PPC; (B), showed higher ATPase activity (arrow) on vacuole membrane of ICs; (C), showed higher ATPase activity on plasma membrane of PPC; (D), plasmodesmata showed higher ATPase activity (arrow); (E), showed lower ATPase activity (arrow) on plasma membrane of ICs and SEs; (F), there was not active products of ATPase on PPC (arrow); (G), plasmodesmata showed lower ATPase activity (arrow); (H), control, no active products of ATPase could be observed.