Figure 2.
(A) Cranio‐cervical alignment. CBVA, the chin–brow vertical angle; SLS, the slope of the line of sight; McGS, McGregor slope; CL, C2–C7 lordosis. Each arrow represents a positive value (Lafage et al. 2016). (B) Sagittal pelvic parameters superimposed in the 3D reconstructed mesh modeled by EOS system. HA (hip axis), the midpoint of the line between both femoral heads; SS, sacral slope; PT, pelvic tilt; PI, pelvic incidence (= PT + SS); PTh, pelvic thickness (Le Huec et al. 2011). (C) Spinopelvic and lower extremity parameters. SVA, offset of C7 vertebra from the sagittal vertical axis (a vertical line drawn through the posterior superior corner of sacrum in the sagittal plane); TPA (T1 pelvic angle), sum of the PT and angle between the plumb line from the HA and the line from the HA to the centre of T1 (Protopsaltis et al. 2014); angle pelvi‐femoral (APF), angle between the line from the centre of the base of the sacrum (CBS) to the HA and the line from the centre of the knee joints to the HA (Mangione & Senegas, 1997); KneeFlex, mean of bilateral knee flexion angles; and AnkleFlex, mean of bilateral ankle flexion angles.