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. 2017 Mar;23(3):553–555. doi: 10.3201/eid2303.161212

Table. Demographic and clinical characteristics of 5 patients with culture-confirmed plague (Yersina pestis infection) who were treated successfully with oral ciprofloxacin, Uganda, 2011–2014.

Patient no. Age, y/sex Length of illness, d* Symptoms Laboratory evidence Ciprofloxacin dose, mg†
1 10/F 7 Fever, left axillary bubo Bubo, blood cultures positive 250
2 52/F 4 Fever, right axillary bubo Bubo, blood cultures positive 650
3 27/F 1 Fever, left inguinal bubo Bubo, blood cultures positive 750
4 36/M 1 Fever, left axillary bubo Blood culture positive 625
5 13/M 6 Fever, chest pain, cough, blood-tinged sputum Sputum culture positive, blood culture negative 375

*At time treatment was sought.
†Orally, twice daily; ≈15 mg/kg bodyweight with a maximum of 750 mg.