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. 2017 Jan 4;140(3):547–554. doi: 10.1093/brain/aww318

Table 1.

Clinical features of patients

Patient V:1 V:5 V:6 V:7
Age at time of assessment (years) 15.06 7.28 3.12 1.60
Sex Male Male Male Female
Head circumference (SDS/cm) −3.23 (51.0) −1.69 (51.0) −2.03 (48.7) −3.55 (44.0)
Height (SDS/cm) −2.24 (149.5) −2.97 (108) −2.17 (88.3) −1.93 (76.2)
Gross motor A few independent steps, gradual decline in motor function Cruises furniture, gradual decline in motor function Cruises furniture Crawling
Speech Dysarthric, nasal speech, short sentences Dysarthric, nasal speech, 2– 3-word sentences A few single words Babbling
Intellectual disability Mild Mild Mild
Upper limb
    Spasticity x x x
Lower limb
    Ankle clonus x
    Extensor plantar responses
Brain MRI High intensity signal in the periventricular trigonal area with atrophy in surrounding white matter Increased T2 intensity signal in periventricular and subcortical white matter and along optic radiation Increased T2 signal intensity in the periventricular white matter Increased T2 signal intensity in the periventricular region more pronounced around the atria of the lateral ventricles
Nerve Conduction Studies Motor conduction study of median/ulnar and common peroneal nerves – normal CMAP parameters (amplitude, latency, F-responses and conduction velocity). Normal (age 5 years) Borderline prolongation of the median nerve motor latencies, otherwise normal (age 3 years) Normal
Median/ulnar and sural nerve sensory study – normal
Posterior tibial CMAP amplitude – severely reduced and dispersed, borderline decline in conduction velocity. (age 11 years)
Ophthalmic phenotype Reduced visual acuity Photophobic Age appropriate visual behaviour Age appropriate visual behaviour
No refractive error Reduced visual acuity Normal refraction Mild hyperopic astigmatism
No further phenotyping Mild hyperopic astigmatism Normal anterior segment Mild retinal vessel tortuosity
Mild retinal vessel tortuosity RPE pigmentary disturbance Dull macular reflex
Generalized RPE level pigmentary disturbance No further phenotyping No further phenotyping
Dull macular reflex
Normal anterior segment
ffERG findings of cone-rod dysfunction.
No further phenotyping
Cleft palate/bifid uvula Bifid uvula, cleft palate x High arched palate Bifid uvula

Height, weight and OFC Z-scores were calculated using a Microsoft Excel add-in to access growth references based on the LMS method (Pan and Cole, 2012) using a reference European population (Cole et al., 1998).

SDS = standard deviation scores; ✓ = presence of a feature in an affected subject; × indicates absence of a feature in an affected subject; CMAP = compound muscle action potential; RPE = retinal pigment epithelium; ffERG = full-field electroretinography.