Figure 1. The HoxB7->Cre transgenic line efficiently inactivates RBPJ in the ureteric bud lineage by E14.5.
A. RBPJf/f (wild-type) E14.5 littermate kidneys express RBPJ (green) in all cells including Calbindin-D expressing (red) ureteric bud cells. A′. Higher magnification of a ureteric bud section reveals RBPJ expression in UB cells. B. Most ureteric duct cells in HoxB7->Cre;RBPJf/− (mutant) E14.5 kidneys lack RBPJ. B′. A higher magnification of a T-shaped ureteric duct reveals that most UB cells are deficient for RBPJ but not the cells of distal segment of the nascent nephron that fuses with the ureteric duct. C&D. Collecting ducts expressing cytokeratin-8 (Krt8; Red) in E14.5 RBPJf/f (C) also express RBPJ, whereas collecting ducts in HoxB7->Cre;RBPJf/− E14.5 littermate kidneys are deficient for RBPJ (D). Several kidney sections from 3 mice per genotype were analyzed at E14.5. The scale bars are 50μm.