Analysis of Elf5->GFP transgenic post-natal day 0 mouse kidneys revealed GFP expression in a subset of cytokeratin 8 (krt8) positive collecting duct cells (A,D,G). Using GFP as an indicator of Elf5 expression, we observe Elf5 expression in Aqp2+ cells within the collecting ducts present in the nephrogenic zone (B), cortex (E) and medulla (H). Elf5 expression starts in more cortical collecting duct cells closer to the duct tips (arrowheads in C and F) that do not express Aqp2 (arrows in B and E). The asterisks in E and H mark Elf5− and Aqp2− cells, while the arrowheads in H mark Aqp2+ cells that do not express Elf5. Foxi1+ cells (arrows in C, F and I) are adjacent to Elf5 expressing cells. All scale bars are 50μm.