(A, B) Mean TEMPO and LFP traces around the peak hyperpolarizations during high-voltage spindles, A, and isolated hyperpolarizations, B. Offsets between peak hyperpolarizations in the TEMPO traces and the voltage minima in the LFP traces were statistically indistinguishable for D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs, indicating the two cell types are synchronously hyperpolarized.
(C) Cross-correlation traces between electrical and TEMPO readouts of high-voltage spindles, computed in D1-Cre (left) and A2A-Cre (right) mice. Each row shows the cross-correlation trace for a separate hyperpolarization peak, sorted according to the temporal offset of the cross-correlation peak from that of the hyperpolarization.
(D) Mean cross-correlation functions, parameterized by the oscillatory phase between D1- and D2-MSN TEMPO traces and the LFP.