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. 2017 Mar 30;12(4):669–676. doi: 10.2215/CJN.07660716

Table 1.

Recipient, donor, and kidney transplant characteristics

Characteristics, N (%) (unless otherwise specified) Categories
>30 kg (D>R) 10–30 kg (D>R) <10 kg (D=R) 10–30 kg (D<R) >30 kg (D<R)
n=15,002 (13.0) n=24,903 (21.6) n=35,495 (30.8) n=26,071 (22.6) n=13,653 (11.9)
Donor factors
 Donor type
  SCD 10,363 (69.1) 17,727 (71.2) 25,256 (71.2) 18,659 (71.6) 10,110 (74.0)
  ECD 2831 (18.9) 4674 (18.8) 6738 (19.0) 4823 (18.5) 2060 (15.1)
 DCD 1808 (12.0) 2502 (10.0) 3501 (9.9) 2589 (9.9) 1483 (10.9)
 Mean age ±SD, yr 42.8±12.8 42.2±13.7 41.9±14.2 41.7±14.4 40.6±14.2
 Sex (M) 10,592 (70.6) 16,811 (67.5) 21,374 (60.2) 13,466 (51.6) 6153 (45.1)
 Mean height ±SD, m 1.77±0.1 1.74±0.1 1.72±0.1 1.70±0.1 1.68±0.1
 Median donor weight (Q1–Q3), kg 108.9 (97.5–122.5) 88.2 (79.4–99.0) 77.2 (69.0–87.0) 70.0 (62.0–79.4) 64.7 (56.7–73.0)
 Diabetes 1905 (12.8) 1949 (7.9) 2177 (6.2) 1294 (5.0) 560 (4.1)
 BMI (Q1–Q3), kg/m2 34.7 (30.6–39.7) 28.9 (25.8–32.4) 25.9 (23.4–29.0) 24.2 (21.8–26.9) 22.8 (20.4–25.4)
Recipient factors
 Mean age ±SD, yr 51.5±14.1 52.0±13.5 52.9±12.9 53.4±12.2 52.1±11.6
 Male sex 6811 (45.4) 12,946 (52.0) 21,972 (61.9) 18,327 (70.3) 10,837 (79.4)
 Mean height ±SD, m 1.65±0.1 1.67±0.1 1.70±0.1 1.73±0.1 1.78±0.1
 Median recipient weight (Q1–Q3), kg 64.0 (54.9–74.4) 69.3 (60.6–79.0) 77.6 (68.9–87.1) 89.3 (80.7–98.5) 107.3 (97.9–117.9)
 Diabetes 4026 (26.9) 7293 (29.4) 11,738 (33.2) 9981 (38.4) 5841 (42.8)
 Previous kidney transplant 2433 (16.4) 3735 (15.0) 4531 (12.8) 2851 (10.9) 1281 (8.6)
 Dialysis vintage >4 yr 5731 (39.0) 9369 (38.4) 12,816 (37.0) 8973 (35.2) 4813 (36.0)
 BMI (Q1–Q3), kg/m2 23.4 (20.8–26.6) 24.7 (22.0–27.9) 26.7 (24.0–30.0) 29.8 (26.8–33.0) 34.2 (31.0–37.4)
Surgical and immunologic factors
 Median cold ischemic time (IQR), h 18.2 (12.0–23.0) 17.9 (11.8–23.0) 17.9 (11.6–23.0) 17.8 (11.7–23.0) 17.8 (11.5–22.9)
 Peak PRA <20 9368 (63.6) 15,939 (65.2) 23,987 (69.0) 18,397 (72.1) 10,060 (75.3)
 Peak PRA 20–80 3039 (20.6) 4923 (20.2) 6515 (18.8) 4482 (17.6) 2117 (15.9)
 Peak PRA >80 2334 (15.8) 3569 (14.6) 4238 (12.2) 2634 (10.3) 1182 (8.8)
 Induction therapy (ATG) 6752 (45.0) 10,849 (43.6) 15,187 (42.8) 10,945 (42.0) 6010 (44.0)
Donor and recipient factors
 HLA mismatches
  0MM 1586 (10.6) 2704 (10.9) 3728 (10.6) 2645 (10.2) 1391 (10.3)
  1MM 347 (2.3) 651 (2.6) 849 (2.4) 667 (2.6) 319 (2.4)
  2MM 718 (4.8) 1151 (4.7) 1733 (4.9) 1216 (4.7) 652 (4.8)
  3MM 2017 (13.5) 3285 (13.3) 4614 (13.1) 3519 (13.6) 1748 (12.9)
  4MM 3726 (24.9) 6265 (25.3) 8899 (25.3) 6341 (24.5) 3473 (25.6)
  5MM 4379 (29.3) 7090 (28.7) 10,222 (29.0) 7668 (29.6) 3964 (29.3)
  6MM 2167 (14.5) 3594 (14.5) 5187 (14.7) 3826 (14.8) 2000 (14.8)
 Absolute weight difference (Q1–Q3), kg 41.7 (35.0–52.2) 18.6 (14.0–23.6) 0.0 (−5.0–4.9) −18.6 (−23.7–−14.1) −40 (−48.7–−34.5)
 MDMR 4805 (32.0) 9057 (36.4) 13,948 (39.3) 9880 (37.9) 5068 (37.1)
 FDFR 2404 (16.0) 4203 (16.9) 6097 (17.2) 4158 (16.0) 1731 (12.7)
 MDFR 5787 (38.6) 7754 (31.1) 7426 (20.9) 3586 (13.8) 1085 (8.0)
 FDMR 2006 (13.4) 3889 (15.6) 8024 (22.6) 8447 (32.4) 5769 (42.2)

Proportion missing: Recipient diabetes (0.31%); donor diabetes (0.47%); DCD (0.01%); dialysis vintage (2.15%); HLA mismatch (0.68%); peak PRA (1.66%); cold ischemic time (7.77%). D>R, donor greater than recipient; D=R, donor equal to recipient; D<R, donor less than recipient; SCD, standard criteria donor; ECD, expanded criteria donor; DCD, donation by cardiac death; M, male; Q1, quarter 1; Q3, quarter 3; BMI, body mass index; IQR, interquartile range; PRA, panel reactive antibody; ATG, antithymoglobulin; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; MM, mismatch; MDMR, male donor/male recipient; FDFR, female donor/female recipient; MDFR, male donor/female recipient; FDMR, female donor/male recipient.