Figure 5.
Information-theoretic prefrontal-limbic control systems model. Without relying upon a priori regions of interest, fMRI complexity analyses of four independent experiments converge to identify several key components implicated in the assessment of ambiguous (visual) threat: the amygdala, visual cortex, inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). Our model integrates these within a control circuit constrained by known neuroanatomical connections. We hypothesize that the IFG gates the proposed Information Loop (dotted line), in order to determine whether there is sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to make a provisional decision. Our data suggest that this loop appears to be disrupted for both hyper and hypo-responders. When the IFG’s Information Threshold (InfoT) is too high, the Information Loop cycles too many times, thereby failing to activate the vmPFC and thus allowing the subcortical route to dominate (anxious). On the other hand, when the IFG’s InfoT is too low, the Information Loop goes through too few cycles, thereby failing to process sensory data fully, and thus suppressing the amygdala outputs prematurely (reckless).