ENOR1 encodes ALA1 and mediates antiviral immunity. (A) Schematic diagram of screening of enor (enhancer of rdr6) mutants and mapping of ENOR loci. (B) Phenotypes of rdr6, enor1 rdr6 and the ala1 mutants generated by CRISPR/Cas9 in rdr6 (ala1-crispr1, ala1-crispr2, ala1-crispr3) at 21 days after infection with mock or CMV2aTΔ2b. (C) Phenotypes of Col-0, ala1-2 and the ala1-2 plant transgenic for the ALA1 gene driven by 35S promoter (ala1-2 35S::ALA1) at 21 days after infection with mock or CMV2aTΔ2b.