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. 2017 Apr 7;7:15. doi: 10.1186/s13561-017-0151-9

Table 3.

Caregivers’ mental health functions

Non-working Irregular employees
Dependent variables Serious mental distress (13 ≤ K6)
Independent variables
Mental health (−1) (1 = moderate, 2 = serious) 0.498*** 0.381***
(0.0697) (0.0609)
Mental health (initial) 0.478*** 0.346***
(0.0863) (0.0718)
m(proxy of formal care use) −115.3*** −49.58*
(36.30) (28.14)
High-intensity caregiving (HI) 1.234** −0.208
(0.496) (1.148)
Generalized residual (GR) −0.684* 0.0828
(0.372) (0.922)
HI × GR 0.00418 0.143
(0.395) (0.810)
Care leave −0.181
Health status
Difficulty in daily life activities 0.487*** 0.279**
(0.108) (0.111)
Hospitalization during the past year 0.605** 0.188
(0.252) (0.274)
Diabetes 0.159 0.223
(0.156) (0.139)
Heart disease 0.299 0.487***
(0.200) (0.170)
Cerebral stroke −0.236 −0.0761
(0.302) (0.348)
Hypertension −0.0266 0.160
(0.144) (0.118)
Hyperlipidemia −0.0348 0.0595
(0.135) (0.107)
Having friends/acquaintances −0.184 −0.360***
(0.114) (0.116)
Constant 1.466 0.313
(1.503) (1.212)
lnσu 2 −1.231** −1.438**
(0.531) (0.634)
σu 0.540*** 0.487***
(0.143) (0.154)
Intra-class correlation (σu 2/(1 + σu 2)) 0.226 0.192
Likelihood-ratio test of ρ = 0 [chi2(1)] 6.19 3.88
Prob ≥ chi2 0.00 0.02
Log-likelihood −637.77 −830.43
N 2785 3448

Mental health (initial) refers to high-intensity caregiving in 2005. m(X) means the time-average of a time-variant explanatory variable (X)

Age, care recipients, educational attainment, marital status, medication or doctor’s consultation, residence, sex, and having cancer were included as covariates

Standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1