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. 2017 Mar 1;4(3):160801. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160801

Table 1.

Parameter descriptions and values used in this study.

parameter description value source
b birth rate: number of new adult females per adult female 0.39 yr−1 [29]
d death rate: 1/d = life expectancy of an adult 1/d ≈ 8 yr, d ≈ 0.125 yr−1 [29]: 1/d
dI death rate infected salamanders: 1/dI = life expectancy of infected salamander 1/dI ≈ 7 days, dI = 52 yr−1 [11]: 1/dI
γ strength of density dependence: related to carrying capacity K = (b − d)/γ K = 25 females/hectare (ha); compared to densities in table 7.3 in [29], this density is at the lower end of estimated ones. Higher densities would lead to even worse model results authors' estimate, based on [29]
β transmission coefficient: 1/β = average time period before an infected salamander encounters another salamander, assuming successful infection given an encounter 1/β ≈ 1 week, β = 52 ha yr−1 authors' estimate
e rate at which latents become infectious; 1/ e = average latent period 1/e ≈ 1 day, e = 364 yr−1 [11]: 1/e
Dj diffusion coefficient of j=S, L or I; Dj=x2j/(4t); t is time in years and 〈 x2〉 is the mean square of the straight line that a salamander travels in a year x ≈ 0.5 km yr−1 authors' estimate
μ colonization rate μ ≈ 1 yr−1 authors' estimate