Figure 4. Specificity of origami shape IDs.
(a) Schematic showing of AuNP-assisted allele-specific primer extension of phiX 174 by a fully complementary primer (CP) or no extension by a mismatched primer (MP), the single mismatched base of which is at the 3′-end. (b) Agarose gel electrophoresis validated that CP could initiate the extension of template ssDNA into dsDNA, whereas MP could not. M, DL 15, 000 marker. (c) Upper: schematic showing of shape ID-based haplotyping. The site 1,433 is labelled with two M-strands with or without a single-base mismatch, which correspond to a triangular- and a cross-shaped ID, respectively. The site 4,914 is hybridized with a biotin-modified primer, which serves as the reference point. Lower: AFM images show that phiX 174 is correctly labelled with cross-shaped IDs (marked by tick), wrongly labelled with triangular (marked by cross), or with no labelling (marked by circle). The site 4,914 labelled with STV is marked with an arrowhead. The yield of specific labelling of shape IDs is ∼88%. Scale bar, 100 nm.