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. 2017 Feb 1;67(2):134–146. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw180

Table 1.

Ranking and model results for evaluation of fishing indicators calculated from RLS surveys around Australia.

A. Indicator B. χ2 goodness of fit C. Significant fishing effects D. Significant SST effect Rank
Vulnerability Indexa,b 69.9*** 3 (MPA, Pop, SF) –0.87***
Lmaxb 58.9*** 2 (MPA, Pop) –0.59***
Vulnerability Indexa,b (B) 58.3*** 3 (Pop, BR, SF) –0.80***
B20c 45.6*** 3 (MPA, Pop, BR) NS (0.07) 1
Total Biomassc 42.8*** 2 (Pop, BR) 0.23*
Lmaxb,d (B) 41.3*** 2 (MPA, Pop) –0.33***
Gamma Scale 41.2*** 2 (Pop, SF) NS (–0.07) 2
Trophic Levelb,e 38.3*** –0.30***
Mean Lengthd 35.6*** 2 (Pop, SF) 0.62***
Max of Lmaxf 34.7*** 2 (MPA, Pop) NS (0.12) 3
B303 34.6*** 2 (MPA, Pop) NS (0.09) 4
Mean biomass 32.1*** 2 (Pop, SF) –0.49***
B Exploitedg 32.0*** 2 (MPA, Pop) 0.18*
Proportion pelagich,i 28.9*** 1 (MPA) NS (0.05)
Elasmobrach Bj 23.7*** 2 (MPA, Pop) NS (0.05)
Proportion piscivorousi 23.3*** 2 (MPA, Pop) 0.57***
Trophic Levele (B) 21.2*** NS (–0.13)
Proportion B Exploited 16.5* 1 (MPA) NS (0.08)
B spectrum slopef 16.0* 2 (Pop, BR) –0.35***
Large Fish Index (20 cm)j 15.9* 2 (Pop, SF) –0.52***
Richness spectra slope 10.2* 1 (MPA) –0.42***

Note: Vulnerability, Lmax, and Trophic Level values are calculated as community-weighted means, with the mean index value of members of the community weighted by the log of their abundance (B indicates biomass weighting instead of abundance). The χ2 goodness of fit (column B) 
is from the likelihood ratio between models with all four fishing pressure variables versus models including environmental variables but no variables related to fishing pressure. The significant individual proxies of fishing pressure for which the trend was in the direction consistent with fishing are shown in column C (MPA, no take versus fished; Pop, human population index; BR, distance from nearest public boat ramp; SF, shore fishing index). Values in column D represent the standardized beta coefficient values for the effect of mean annual sea surface temperature. The final rank is shown for the top four indicators, following the rationale provided in the text. Full details of the modeling process are provided in 
the supplemental material. aCheung et al. (2005). cEdgar et al. (2014). dJennings et al. (1999).ePauly et al. (1998). 
fShin et al. (2005). gWillis et al. (2003). hRochet and Trenkel (2003). iMethratta and Link (2006). jCury and Christensen (2005). 
NS means that p > .05. p < .05. **p < .001.