Retinotopy summary from 6 imaging regions. The first four (Regions a–d) are shown in Fig. 4, in the same order. 2nd column: Animal the region was recorded in. 3rd column: R2 of the fit of a 2D plane to the X-position retinotopy map. Asterisk indicates F-test p-value < 0.01. 4th column: Same, for Y-position retinotopy map. 5th column: Average and standard deviation of RF width (2σ), computed from a Gaussian fit along the axis perpendicular to the orientation preference. 6th column: Relative scatter, computed as the mean of the scatter distribution. Each point of the scatter distribution is the RF’s absolute distance from the X and Y planar fits, divided by the RF width (σ). 7th column: The inverse of the maximum slope in the X-plane fit. 8th column: The inverse of the maximum slope in the Y-plane fit. 9th column: The angle of intersection between the gradients of the X and Y planar fits. 10th column: Areal magnification factor by computing the inverse of the Jacobian from the X and Y planar fit gradients. 11th column: Point-image size, computed from RF width, magnification factor, and absolute scatter. The double-asterisk indicates that magnification was computed only from the X-plane, as a significant fit was not identified for the Y-plane fit. 12th column: Correlation coefficient between pairwise change in orientation preference and distance between RFs (normalized by sum of widths). Asterisk indicates p<0.01. 13th column: Same pairwise comparison, but after subtracting the planar fits from the X and Y RF positions.