(A) Schematics of the isotopic chase experiment. Red and
blue colors represent
U-[15N,13C,2H]–labeled and
unlabeled proteins, respectively. The self-assembly of the labeled and
unlabeled samples was initiated in parallel in separate experiments by a
synchronized pH jump. After 60 s, the labeled sample was mixed with an
11-fold excess of unlabeled sample, which assembled into isotopically
hybrid dodecamers. (B) MS spectra of native unlabeled
(blue) and “isotopically chased” hybrid (black) TET2
assembled as described above. The inset shows additional peaks appearing
in hybrid dodecamers, which were subjected to the further tandem MS
analyses. The major species were annotated above each peak: 1L and NL
correspond to TET2 dodecamer containing one labeled monomer or fully
unlabeled assembly, respectively. (C) Tandem mass spectra
generated from the ions displayed on (B) at
m/z 10,650 (black spectrum) and
10,980 (red spectrum). After dissociation in the gas phase, the 10,650
ions generated fully unlabeled 11-mers (11-mer) (black +, peak annotated
24+ is at m/z 17,890). The 10,980 ions
dissociated into 11-mer, containing a labeled subunit and 10 unlabeled
proteins (red square, 23+ peak is at
m/z 18,832).