Fig. 4.
Biological validation. a Intensity heatmap of tissue and pathology specific loci in seven HERV-V3 arrays: the observed intensities correlate well with the expected loci specificity. For each of the eight locus, the family and the probesets names are indicated (the family name and the sub-region annotation are abbreviated in the probeset name). b Distribution of differentially expressed loci (DELs) between hPSCs and embryoid bodies. While most of LDEs are found in MaLR-Dfam, HERV-Dfam and HERV-H, when normalized within family, the proportion of LDEs is higher in HERV-H and HERV-XA34, consistently with Wang et al. [13]. c Intersection between pluripotent loci identified by HERV-V3 and NGS (Wang et al.): despite a small number of shared loci (115), 55.7% of HERV-V3 loci coverage is contained in this intersection