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. 2017 Apr 8;41(5):84. doi: 10.1007/s10916-017-0734-3

Table 4.

Length of stay (LOS) for patients in general hospitals

Univariate regression Multivariate regression*** Multivariate regression****
B 95% C.I.for B B 95% C.I.for B B 95% C.I.for B
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Length of Stay (LOS) in the hospital
Median LOS > =3/Median LOS <3 0,973 0,948 0,998 0,934 0,915 0,954 0,939 0,922 0,956
Length of Stay (LOS) in the ICU
Median LOS > =3/Median LOS <3 1077 1000 1161 1104 1036 1177 1056 0,998 1115

***adjusted for: case-mix, year of registration, hospital type and technique of treatment (laparoscopic/laparotomy)

****adjusted for: as before plus complications