Table 5.
Additional questions for adult patients (cohort 2b)
Question | mean answer (SD) | mean answer in words |
How important is a multi-disciplinary team in the adult outpatient clinic? | 1.8 (1.05) | Important |
A transition program can impair the development of autonomy | 3.9 (1.13) | Mostly not |
I was well informed about my disease and my health at transfer | 2.1 (1.22) | Mostly yes |
I would have liked to have had more information about my disease and my health at transfer | 2.3 (1.36) | Mostly yes |
How helpful would a social worker be to assist in the transfer process? | 1.8 (0.93) | Mostly helpful |
How would you rate your previous transfer? | 2.8 (1.36) | Satisfactory, “C” |
How helpful would it have been if there was a joint outpatient clinic with pediatric and adult medicine? | 2.0 (0.90) | Mostly helpful |
A transition program would have influenced my professional career | 3.5 (1.21) | Mostly not |
How anxious did you feel due to the transfer process? | 2.7 (1.27) | Unsettled but not very much |
I would have liked to decide the transfer age by my own | 2.6 (1.50) | Mostly agree |
Which person(s) were the most important for you during your transfer? | 28% pediatrician, 26% others, 15% nurses, 9% doctor’s adult clinic, 8% siblings, 8% partner, 5% social worker 1% friends | |
Which topics were the most important for you during transfer? | 25% medications, 17% school and profession, 13% disease knowledge, 10% pregnancy, 8% drugs and alcohol, 5% body image, 5% relationships, 4% sport, 4% adherence, 3% sexuality, 3% role in the family, 3% others |