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. 2017 Mar 22;21(1):6–15. doi: 10.5114/wo.2017.66652

Table 1.

Structural cerebral changes in breast cancer patients prior and after chemotherapy

Assessment Grey matter changes White matter changes
Prior to CTx ↔hippocampal volume in BC CTx+ and CTx– [34]
↔density and volume of GM between BC CTx+/CTx–/HC [37, 41, 58] ↔ GM volume in DLPFC and superior parietal cortex between BC CTx+/CTx–/HC [58]
↓ left cingulate GM density in BC CTx– compared to HC [12]
↓ WM volume in frontal, parietal and limbic regions depending on type of analyses and covariates entered [41]
↓WM integrity in BC compared to HC [58]
1–12 months after CTx ↓ prefrontal, parahippocampal, cingulate gyrus, precuneus volume [6]
↓bilateral frontal, temporal (including hippocampus and adjacent medial temporal structures) and cerebellar regions and right thalamus GM density in BC CTx+ than HC [37]
↓left frontal CH density in BC CTx+ compared to HC [12]
↓ frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital volume [42]
↓ FA in frontal, parietal and occipital tracts after CTx+ [11, 36]
↓prefrontal, parahippocampal, cingulate gyrus, precuneus volume [6]
1–2 years after CTx ↓↑ bilateral superior frontal, left middle frontal, right superior temporal and cerebellar GM density [37]
↓ persisted in bilateral cerebellum, right thalamus and medial temporal lobe, left middle gyrus and right precentral, medial frontal and superior frontal gyri [37]
↓ in bilateral frontal and temporal regions [42]
↓global hippocampal volume in 8% of BCS CTx+ [10]
↓posterior hippocampus in 11% BCS CTx+ compared to HC [10]
↓ FA in genu of corpus callosum in BCS CTx+ than HC [35]
2–10 years after CTx ↔ prefrontal, parahippocampal, cingulate gyrus, precuneus volume between BCS CTx+/CTx–/HC [6]
↓posterior cortical regions and cerebellum volume in BCS HCTx+ compared to CTx– [38]
↓small-world characteristics of GM; altered interactions in frontotemporal regions; fewer network hubs in BCS CTx+ compared to HC [40]
↓left hippocampal volumes in BCS CTx+ compared to HC [13]
↓ white matter integrity BCS HCTx+ compared to CTx– [38]
> 10 years after CTx ↓total brain and GM volume in BSC CTx+ compared to reference group [39] ↔ prevalence of infractions or WM lesions volume in BSC CTx+ than reference group [43]
↑ prevalence of total cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) and CMBs in deep/infratentorial regions in BSC CTx+ than reference group [43]

↔ no changes/no differences; ↓ decrease/smaller; ↑ increase/higher; ↓↑ recovery

CTx+ – cancer patients treated with standard dose of chemotherapy; HCTx+ – cancer patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy;

CTx– – cancer patients without chemotherapy; BC – breast cancer patients; BCS – breast cancer survivors; HC – healthy controls; FA – fractional anisotropy; GM – grey matter; WM – white matter