Captive and wild-living chimpanzees with documented SIVcpz infection
Ape | History | Yeara | Ageb | Sexc | Countryd | Locale | Subspeciese | Diagnosisf | SIVcpz strain | Seqg | Current status | Remarks | No. of infected animals/no. tested (%)i | Reference |
CAM13 | Wild-born | 2001 | <2 | M | Cameroon | Littoral province | P.t.troglodytes | Plasma Ab | CAM13 | FL | Deceased, 2002 | Died of massive parasite infection | 1/39 (2.6)j | This study |
CAM3 | Wild-born | 1992 | 1 | M | Cameroon | Dja Forest Reserve | P.t.troglodytes | Plasma Ab | CAM3 | FL | Deceased, 1998 | Died of pneumonia | 2/29 (6.9) | 4, 17 |
CAM5 | Wild-born | 1998 | <1 | F | Cameroon | Central province | P.t.troglodytes | Plasma Ab | CAM5 | FL | Deceased, 1998 | Died of severe diarrhea | 2/29 (6.9) | 4, 17 |
Marilyn | Wild-born | N/A | N/A | F | N/A | N/A | P.t.troglodytes | Plasma Ab | US | FL | Deceased 1985 | Died in childbirth at age of ≈26 | 1/98 (1) | 7 |
GAB1 | Wild-born | 1987 | 2-3 | F | Gabon | Oyem region | P.t.troglodytes | Plasma Ab | GAB1 | FL | Deceased 1990 | Died of unknown causes | 2/50 (4) | 13, 19 |
GAB2 | Wild-born | 1988 | 2 | F | Gabon | Macatamagoye village | P.t.troglodytes | Plasma Ab | GAB2 | P | Deceased 1988 | Died of wounds inflicted by hunters | 2/50 (4) | 14, 19 |
CAM4 | Wild-born | 1993 | 2.5 | M | Cameroon | Southwest province | P.t.vellerosus | Plasma Ab | CAM4 | P | Alive | Presumed recipient of cage transmission | N/A | 4 |
Ch-No | Wild-born | 1987 | 2-3 | M | DRC | N/A | P.t.schweinfurthii | Plasma Ab | ANT | FL | Alive | Confiscated en route to Belgium | 1/44 (2.2) | 20, 29 |
DRC1 | Wild-living | 2003 | N/A | N/A | DRC | Parisi Forest, Kisangani | P.t.schweinfurthii | Fecal vRNA | DRC1 | P | N/A | Nonhabituatedh | N/A | 30 |
DRC2 | Wild-living | 2000 | N/A | N/A | DRC | Wanie-Rukula Forest, Kisangani | P.t.schweinfurthii | Urine Ab | N/A | N/A | N/A | Nonhabituatedh | N/A | 30 |
Ch-06 | Wild-living | 2000 | 23 | M | Tanzania | Kasekela, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Urine Ab | TAN1 | FL | Alive | Habituated; in good health | 2/51 (5)k | 25, 27 |
Ch-30 | Wild-living | 2001 | 32 | F | Tanzania | Kasekela, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Urine Ab | N/A | N/A | Alive | Habituated; presumed dead of unknown causes | 2/51 (5)k | 26 |
Ch-37 | Wild-living | 2000 | 29 | M | Tanzania | Mitumba, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Urine Ab | N/A | N/A | Deceased, 2000 | Habituated; died of unknown causes | 2/15 (17)k | 26 |
Ch-45 | Wild-living | 2002 | 26 | M | Tanzania | Mitumba, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Fecal vRNA | TAN3 | P | Alive | Habituated; in good health | 2/15 (17)k | 26 |
Ch-64 | Wild-living | 2001 | N/A | F | Tanzania | Kalande, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Fecal vRNA | TAN2 | P | N/A | Nonhabituatedh | 3/>10 (30)k | 26 |
Ch-70 | Wild-living | 2002 | N/A | F | Tanzania | Kalande, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Fecal vRNA | TAN4 | P | N/A | Nonhabituatedh | 3/>10 (30)k | 26 |
Ch-71 | Wild-living | 2002 | N/A | F | Tanzania | Kalande, Gombe | P.t.schweinfurthii | Fecal vRNA | TAN5 | P | N/A | Nonhabituatedh | 3/>10 (30)k | 26 |
Year of rescue of captive chimpanzees; year of SIVcpz detection in wild-living chimpanzees. N/A, not available.
Estimated age (in years) of captive chimpanzees at the time of rescue; age of wild-living (habituated) chimpanzees at the first time point of SIVcpz detection.
M, male; F, female; N/A, not available; Ch-64, Ch-70, and Ch-71 were identified as females by genetic typing of fecal DNA (26).
Country of capture or home range of wild communities. DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Determined by mitochondrial (mt)DNA analysis (7).
Test performed to diagnose SIVcpz infection. Ab, antibody; vRNA, virion RNA.
SIVcpz sequence information available; FL, full-length sequence; P, partial sequence(s).
Member of nonhabituated community with individual identification performed by mtDNA analysis (26, 30).
Total number of SIVcpz infected chimpanzees per number of chimpanzees screened in study in which the infected ape was identified.
An additional 32 P.t.vellerosus apes were also tested and found negative.
SIVcpz prevalence estimate for entire community (26).