FIG. 3.
The nuclear surface of MDBK cells late in infection with BoHV-1 at an MOI of 10 (A, B, and D), 5 (C and E), or 1 (F). (A and B) Cryo-FESEM images reveal a few budding capsids or holes, most probably indicating that budding has already been completed (arrows). Nuclear pores are not visible. Instead, there are protrusions of nuclear matrix (arrowheads); one broke away during freeze-etching. (C to F) LTEM images of intact nuclei with distinctly defined nuclear pores that are dilated up to 1,900 nm. Nuclear matrix containing capsids (c) protrudes into the cytoplasm but does not merge with it. Bars, 1 μm (A to C, E, and F); 100 nm (D).