FIG. 2.
Expression of GFP in HAE infected with rgPIV3 (106 PFU; MOI, ∼3). (A and B) GFP expression in HAE viewed en face 48 h after apical (A) or basolateral (B) inoculation of HAE by rgPIV3. Original magnification, ×10. (C) Representative confocal optical section of rgPIV3-mediated GFP expression (green) in HAE 48 h following apical infection. HAE was also probed with β-tubulin IV antibody (red), revealing that GFP was present only in ciliated columnar epithelial cells. (D) Representative histological cross-section of HAE infected with rgPIV3. At 48 h p.i., no obvious cytopathic effects or cell-cell fusion was apparent. Counterstain is hematoxylin and eosin. Bar, 20 μm.