Figure 3.
Evolution and population occurrence of risk haplotypes for the c.802-8_810del17insGC indel mutation. (a) Identified risk haplotypes are shown ordered by the number of recombination events required to generate them from the founder risk haplotype: 0 (top), 1 (middle) and 2 (bottom). The founder risk haplotype is shaded in dark blue, probable initial recombination events are shaded in medium blue, and probable second recombinant events are shown in light blue. Black arrows show probable paths for the recombination events, and gray arrows show alternative orders of recombination events. (b) Identified risk haplotypes ordered by distance of recombination events from the c.802-8_810del17insGC indel mutation. Alleles beyond recombination events are shaded pink. The numbers of individuals or families with each haplotype are shown above the haplotype with the number of Chinese individuals shown in red, Japanese individuals shown in blue, and Korean individuals shown in green. A full color version of this figure is available at the European Journal of Human Genetics journal online.