Figure 6. MiR-24 regulates hypoxia pathways by targeting FIH1.
Predicted alignment between the miR-24 sequence and the 3′UTR of FIH1. Luciferase reporter assays show that reporter activity was inhibited in MCF-7 cells only in the presence of wild type and not mutated 3′UTR FIH1 A. miR-24 transfection downregulated FIH1 mRNA and protein levels, as assessed by qRT-PCR B. and Western blotting C, D. whereas transfection of anti-miR-24 upregulated FIH1 levels in MCF-7 and BT-549 cells C, D. Western blot showing that FIH1 is downregulated during hypoxia and upon miR-24 expression in MCF-7 and BT-549 cells E, F. Western blots are representative experiments. In A and B, data are mean values ± SD from two independent experiments. Significance was calculated using Student's t-test. **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001.