FIG. 1.
Accumulation of virus and DI RNAs in systemically infected leaves of N. benthamiana at 7 dpi. (A) Schematic representation of the organization of the TBSV-P genome and DI RNAs. RdRp, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; MP, movement protein. (B) Northern blot analysis of TBSV-P, T19stop, and TBSV-P+DI accumulation in systemically infected leaves. Relative gel loadings are shown by ethidium bromide staining of rRNAs (bottom). G, genomic RNA; sg, sg RNA; DI, DI RNA. (C to E) In situ hybridization of leaf cross sections at 7 dpi. (C) TBSV-P-infected tissue. (Inset) Control mock-inoculated tissue. (D) T19stop-infected tissue. (E) TBSV-P+DI-infected tissue. The bar in panel C applies also to panels D and E. Black triangles, sites of virus accumulation.