Result of a single 5-trials 330 seconds fUS imaging session of the visual areas in the rat. A. Coronal schematic view of the rat brain at Bregma -4.5 mm with the delimitations of Visual Cortex (V1/V2), Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) and Superior Colliculus (SC). B. fUS imaging of the vision-induced activity at Bregma -4.5 mm, with superimposition of the correlated pixels (hot scale) over the brain vasculature (grey scale). The precision of the map allows to retrieve the shape of the 3 vision related structures present in that coronal slice. Scale bar=2 mm. C. Mean CBV signal over responding pixels in the visual cortices (blue, up), SC (red, middle) and LGN (green, bottom) during that single imaging session composed of 5 flickering screen stimulation trials. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)