Fig. 1.
Stable knockdown of iASPP suppresses cisplatin resistance in vivo. a Western blot analysis of the iASPP protein in control (NC) shRNA or iASPP shRNA stably expressing CC cells. Quantitative analysis of iASPP protein expression (as expressed as ratio to GAPDH) is shown below blots. b Immunoblot of the indicated proteins in control or iASPP-silenced CC cells upon exposure to cisplatin (DDP). Quantitative analysis of iASPP protein expression (as expressed as ratio to GAPDH) is shown below blots. c Relative cell survival of control or iASPP-silenced CC cells treated with (or without) cisplatin, as assessed by CCK8 assays. d Volume of subcutaneous control or iASPP-silenced HeLa xenograft during 24 days of therapy with vehicle or cisplatin. e Representative tumors isolated from nude mice (left) and tumor weights (right) of HeLa subcutaneous tumor model treated with (or without) cisplatin. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01