FIG. 1.
Expression of ife-4::GFP in specific tissues of C. elegans (A and B) and reduction of fluorescence by ife-4(RNAi) (C). Transgenic strains were produced by microinjection of an ife-4 genomic fragment containing the complete coding region and ∼1,500 nt upstream fused to the 5′ end of DNA encoding GFP either as a single array with NLS [ife-4::NLS::GFP(lsEx296)] (A) or a complex array without NLS [ife-4::GFP(lsEx385)] (B). Fluorescence is seen in muscle and neurons from pharynx (PHX), neuronal cell bodies, the ventral nerve cord (VNC), vulval muscle and neurons, body wall muscle, and spermatheca (SPE). (C) RNAi was initiated for L4 ife-4::GFP(lsEx385) animals by feeding with bacteria expressing the dsRNA of ife-4 (right). Control animals were fed with bacteria containing empty vector (left). The offspring were compared for fluorescence at L4 after one generation. Solid and broken arrows indicate regions where fluorescence is decreased or not decreased by ife-4(RNAi), respectively.