Figure 3.
Event-related desynchronization during MI-based neurofeedback. (a) Time frequency plots of the contralateral electrode site (C3 or C4) showing percentage change in power from baseline for MI with the paretic side. MI started at time point zero and was performed for 5 seconds (solid vertical lines). The two dashed vertical lines indicate the time interval used for the statistical analysis (0.5 s to 4.0 s). (b) Mean ERD% during MI with the paretic and nonparetic sides. Topographies show the grand average ERD% for the time interval of interest. Topographic data for left paretic patients (controls) were horizontally flipped at the midline, such that the ipsilesional hemisphere is always shown on the left. Please note that in the controls, the term “paretic side” refers to the same side in the healthy control participant as the actual paresis side in the matched stroke patient. Red points indicate the two electrode positions (C3 and C4).