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. 2017 Apr 11;4:170040. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.40

Table 1. Experimental Paradigms Included.

Task Depth of processing/degree of stimulation Description
An overview of the six EEG and eye tracking paradigms.    
Active (Task-Dependent) Paradigms
 Contrast change Minimal Probes basic elements of sensorimotor translations, e.g., sensory evidence encoding, decision formation and motor preparation, providing dynamic measurements of each processing stage in isolation.
 Sequence learning Moderate Assesses successive visuo-spatial sequence learning by using semantically unloaded stimuli, tracks the progress of gradual memory formation
 Symbol search Complex A computerized version of a clinical pediatric assessment measuring processing speed capacity in a visual search task, which involves multiple perceptual decisions, short-term memory and motor response.
Passive (Task-Independent) Paradigms
 Resting-state None Measures endogenous brain activity during rest.
 Surround suppression Minimal Measures excitatory (using the steady-state visually evoked potential; SSVEP) and inhibitory (using the surround-suppression effect) neurophysiological activity during sensory processing with semantically unloaded stimuli.
 Naturalistic viewing Complex Measures neurophysiological activity during higher-level audio-visual stimulation (movies).
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