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. 2017 Apr 3;7(4):e013868. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013868

Table 1.

Characteristics of young Korean females (aged 15–39)

  Age groups
N (%)
Weighted no (SE) N (%)
no (SE)
N (%)
Weighted no (SE)
Age (22.3) (0.1) (34.6) (0.1) (27.8) (0.2)
 15–29 1737 2 660 008 1737 (46.5%) 2 660 008
 30–39 1997 2 142 747 1997 (53.5%) 2 142 747
Menarche age (13.6) (0.3) (13.7) (0.1) (13.6) (0.1)
Body mass index (kg/m2) (21.4) (0.1) (22.6) (0.1) (21.9) (0.1)
Education levels
 <6 60 (3.5%) 78 811 10 (0.5%) 17 925 70 (2.0%) 96 736
 6–9 367 (21.7%) 571 868 25 (1.3%) 38 998 392 (10.7%) 610 866
 10–12 643 (37.9%) 1 029 906 766 (39.2%) 884 053 1409 (38.6%) 1 913 959
 >12 625 (36.9%) 912 657 1152 (59.0%) 1 137 606 1777 (48.7%) 2 050 263
Total household income
 1Q (lowest) 172 (10.0%) 314 580 103 (5.2%) 143 533 275 (7.5%) 458 113
 2Q 434 (25.4%) 719 372 558 (28.3%) 647 924 992 (26.9%) 1 367 296
 3Q 528 (30.8%) 780 705 748 (37.9%) 780 036 1276 (34.6%) 1 560 740
 4Q (highest) 579 (33.8%) 801 415 564 (28.6%) 540 223 1143 (31.0%) 1 341 638
Smoking status
 Never smoker 1453 (83.6%) 2 180 333 1669 (83.6%) 1 732 637 3122 (83.6%) 3 912 970
 Ex-smoker 116 (6.7%) 192 018 168 (8.4%) 196 330 284 (7.6%) 388 347
 Current-smoker 168 (9.7%) 287 657 160 (8.0%) 213 781 328 (8.8%) 501 438
Alcohol consumption (per month)
 1 or less 975 (56.1%) 1 466 194 1059 (53.0%) 1 111 771 2034 (54.5%) 2 577 965
 1 or more 762 (43.9%) 1 193 814 938 (47.0%) 1 030 976 1700 (45.5%) 2 224 790
Current job
 No 980 (56.4%) 1 489 081 1096 (54.9%) 1 161 981 2076 (55.6%) 2 651 062
 Yes 757 (43.6%) 1 170 927 901 (45.1%) 980 766 1658 (44.4%) 2 151 693
Cervical screening
 No 1471 (84.7%) 2 256 700 533 (26.7%) 649 545 2004 (53.7%) 2 906 245
 Yes 266 (15.3%) 403 308 1464 (73.3%) 1 493 202 1730 (46.3%) 1 896 511
Total 1737 (100.0%) 2 660 008 1997 (100.0%) 2 142 747 3734 (100.0%) 4 802 755