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PCI non-capable centres in India are an important component in delivery of effective STEMI care. |
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They can be of a wide spectrum in terms of their nature ranging from small clinics with a GP, and small nursing homes with physicians to larger hospitals. On basis of management strategy they are broadly of two types −PCI non-capable centres that do an ECG and transfer and PCI non-capable centres which do an ECG, thrombolyse the patients and then consider transferring them to a PCI capable centre when feasible. |
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They help in early diagnosis, triaging, initiating immediate pharmacotherapy and giving supportive treatment, thrombolysing (if so deemed) and transferring patients. |
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Thrombolysis can be initiated by a Qualified Medical Person at a centre where facility of ECG, defibrillator and resuscitation measure are available. |
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5. Occasionally they may be the sole centre offering thrombolysis and/or medical management. |
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They need to act in tandem with other components of STEMI care for effective patient care. |