Figure 9.
Illustration of genotypes and reassortment events resulting in the novel avain influenza H5N6 virus isolated in South Korea, November 2016
Ck: chicken; Dk: duck; Em: environment; HA: haemagglutinin; HPAI: highly pathogenic avian influenza; M: matrix; NA: neuraminidase; NS: nonstructural; NP: nucleoprotein; PA: polymerase acidic; PB: polymerase basic.
The eight gene segments in each illustrative virus particle represent PB2, PB1, PA, HA, NP, NA, M, and NS genes (in order from top to bottom). The EM/W541 (H5N6) virus was the reassortant with at least three different subtypes (H5N6, H4N2, and H1N1) from the natural gene pool in Eurasia. Each colour represents a virus lineage (Black indicates origin from A/Dk/Guangzhou/41227/2014-like; Orange, A/Ck/Shenzhen/1061/13-like; Blue, A/Dk/Guangdong/S4040/11; Light Green, A/Dk/Mongolia/520/2015; Red, Clade H5 HA genes).