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. 2017 Apr 5;10:157–166. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S124298

Table 1.

KT strategies, targeted barriers, and processes that support the implementation of PTB

KT strategy Targeted barrier Intervention process Proposed mechanism of action
Opinion leaders and change champions Lack of clinical leadership: senior staff reluctant to take ownership of the checking process Type: role modeling, social comparison, and information of others’ approval, social support
Mode: real-time demonstration in clinical practice
Content: building checks into current workload, normalizing the process as part of practice
• Provides an example to which others can aspire
• Role modeling from credible sources
• Provides social comparison of behavior
• Provides social support and improves motivation to perform checks
Education Lack of knowledge: staff lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and training in the timing and content of checks Type: education, demonstrate behavior, provide instruction
Mode: inservices, clinical skills training, staff emails
Content: outline of PTB strategies, building in, and timing of checks taking into account workflow issues
• Increases self-efficacy through manipulated mastery experience (ie, practicing a behavior) and vicarious experience (ie, observing a model performing the behavior)
• Feedback on past performance increases self-efficacy
Audit and feedback Negative/skeptical attitudes: perceived uncertainty about the value of the safety checks and their intended effect Type: education, persuasion, behavioral feedback, self-monitoring
Mode: inservices, printed materials, staff emails
Content: information about performance
• Improves attitudes toward checking processes
• Promotes reflection, feedback, and self-monitoring on the checking process
• Improves motivation and behavioral action
Prompts and reminders Workflow: staff feeling pressured because of time constraints and productivity demands (hectic setting, multitasking, heavy workload) Type: environmental restructuring
Mode: posters, lanyards, pens
Content: PTB logo
• Prompts and reminders are cue to action to get people to act and maintain behavior – build a habit
• Increases behavioral maintenance

Abbreviations: PTB, Pass the Baton; KT, knowledge translation; TDF, Theoretical Domains Framework.