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. 2017 Apr 11;12(4):e0175597. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175597

Table 1. Predicted relationships between human and ecological covariates and occupancy and reproduction parameters of Eurasian Eagle-owls in south-eastern Spain.

Covariate Description Hypothesis Predictions for ecological parameters a
State Occupancy state of the territory the previous year: 0 (unoccupied), 1 (occupied without breeding success), 2 (occupied with breeding success). Previous breeding success is positively correlated with a higher territory occupancy rate and reproductive success the following year. ψ (++), R (++)
Survey Repeated visits to each territory during the breeding period (survey 1- survey 4). Last surveys are associated with higher occupancy and breeding success detection rates. ψ (0), R (0) b
Year Breeding season (from 2006 to 2012). Reproductive success is expected to vary between years. ψ (0), R (+/-)
Zone The study area is divided into two zones (see Species and Study area section): 1 (northern zone), 0 (southern zone). The northern zone has a higher availability of prey [42], which is expected to determine a higher probability of territory occupancy and breeding success. ψ (+), R (+)
Measured as the standard deviation of altitudes (m) in a 1-km radius plot around the nest, using a 25 m digital elevation model c. Ruggedness positively influences territory occupancy [36] but negatively influences breeding success [46]. ψ (+), R (-)
Crops Area covered by agricultural fields in a 1-km radius around nest (m2) d. Territory occupancy and reproductive success are negatively correlated with the presence of crops around nests. ψ (-), R (-)
Scrub Area covered by shrub-dominated habitats in a 1-km radius circle around nest (m2) d. Scrub areas favour rabbit abundance, which positively influences breeding success [47]. ψ (0), R (+)
Distance Distance from a Eurasian Eagle-owl nest to the nearest road or forest track (m). The proximity of roads and tracks to nests reduces the probability of territory occupancy and negatively affects breeding success. ψ (+), R (++)

a Ecological parameters are probability of occupancy (ψ) and probability of breeding success (R). The strength and direction of predicted trends are indicated with positive and negative signs. The symbol “+/-” indicates that random tendencies are expected in an ecological parameter. Zeros indicate that no relationship between occupancy or breeding success and the predictor is expected.

b Survey is not related to ψ or R but is used to model detection parameters (see the Occupancy models section).

c Data available from 1:25,000 digital elevation model map (MDT25 for Spain) (

d Data available from 1:25,000 CORINE Land Cover 2000 map (I&CLC2000) (