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. 2017 Apr 11;7(1):27. doi: 10.1007/s13205-017-0602-3

Table 3.

Plant growth promoting response of rice, wheat and bottle gourd seedlings following seed bacterization with fluorescent Pseudomonas isolates

S. no. Treatment Rice Wheat Bottlegourd
Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm) Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm) Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm)
1 Control 9.325efg ± 1.135 20.3hijk ± 1.498 30.2bcdefg ± 0.742 31.73jk ± 0.4107 43.9efg ± 12.27 17.6efgh ± 1.254
2 P5 12.2abcdef ± 1.301 20.775ghijk ± 0.771 28.42defgh ± 1.369 33.04ij ± 0.6838 45.7defg ± 6.74 14.33fgh ± 0.794
3 P6 10.25cdefg ± 0.487 21.65fghij ± 1.713 27.68efgh ± 1.685 30.77k ± 1.0157 42.83efgh ± 0.82 16.4efgh ± 0.589
4 P11 8.5fg ± 0.951 21.225fghijk ± 0.684 31.86bcdef ± 1.999 33.78hi ± 0.6555 44.5efg ± 6.01 11.1fgh ± 0.733
5 P67 14.5ab ± 2.480 23.225abcdefg ± 0.390 27.24fgh ± 1.259 36.04efg ± 0.5142 54cdefg ± 8.01 12.75fgh ± 0.777
6 P72 10defg ± 0.970 19.25jk ± 0.811 27.56fgh ± 1.755 36.35defg ± 0.9332 83.3b ± 1.15 15fgh ± 1.780
7 P76 8.525fg ± 0.581 21.85efghi ± 0.835 30.66bcdefg ± 0.897 36.75cdef ± 0.8353 70.3bc ± 2.77 36.73bcd ± 5.981
8 P85 12.175abcdef ± 1.035 24.45abcd ± 0.362 27.19gh ± 1.119 37.25bcde ± 0.8825 41.83fgh ± 12.44 40.68bc ± 7.366
9 P99 9.2efg ± 0.426 23.6abcdef ± 0.942 27.69efgh ± 1.102 38.84ab ± 0.4621 70.8bc ± 2.64 56.73a ± 5.496
10 P124 10.3cdefg ± 2.358 22.775abcdefgh ± 0.536 36.52a ± 2.766 38.18abcd ± 1.1289 87.7b ± 7.23 58.93a ± 9.433
11 P129 10.825bcdefg ± 0.409 20.135ijk ± 0.613 28.12efgh ± 1.907 38.55abc ± 0.5677 69.88bc ± 9.66 24.53def ± 4.514
12 P126 9.775efg ± 0.559 22.35bcdefghi ± 0.598 30.07bcdefg ± 1.316 36.89bcdef ± 0.8538 64.95bcdef ± 8.54 50.65ab ± 12.99
13 P141 7.15g ± 0.891 22.15cdefghi ± 0.366 26.56gh ± 1.240 39.78a ± 0.9069 67.83bcd ± 11.11 11.4fgh ± 1.023
14 P143 7.625g ± 1.004 19.025k ± 1.424 31.14bcdefg ± 1.775 35.9efg ± 0.2994 59.18cdefg ± 4.64 37.4bcd ± 3.447
15 P151 13.625abcd ± 2.755 24.725ab ± 0.201 30.86bcdefg ± 1.150 35.58efgh ± 0.6486 75.63bc ± 6.82 20.85efg ± 0.296
16 P161 12.5abcde ± 0.631 23.325abcdefg ± 0.239 32.28abcde ± 1.513 35.83efg ± 0.4839 42.4efgh ± 9.24 12.58fgh ± 0.862
17 P167 9.8defg ± 0.715 23.15abcdefg ± 0.744 24.38h ± 1.906 34.45ghi ± 0.4381 73.5bc ± 16.98 63.75a ± 5.883
18 P176 10defg ± 1.772 24.95a ± 0.833 34.51ab ± 1.602 38.27abcd ± 0.6350 65.6bcde ± 10.00 37.5bcd ± 11.76
19 P179 7.8g ± 0.356 22defghi ± 0.082 28.61defgh ± 1.749 36.09efg ± 0.3703 20.33h ± 1.13 3.95h ± 0.466
20 P201 8.625fg ± 2.138 21.4fghijk ± 1.485 29.44cdefg ± 1.610 38.59abc ± 0.9865 52.88cdefg ± 7.83 15.4fgh ± 1.362
21 P205 7.55g ± 0.144 22.325bcdefghi ± 0.725 29.75cdefg ± 1.447 36.81cdef ± 0.3945 42.7efgh ± 5.66 14.175fgh ± 0.312
22 P216 8.7efg ± 1.079 24.675abc ± 1.071 27.41fgh ± 1.529 35.16fgh ± 0.2973 60cdefg ± 9.37 11.55fgh ± 0.689
23 P233 13.9abc ± 2.200 24.325abcde ± 0.531 32.82abcd ± 1.641 35.86efg ± 0.3638 41.58gh ± 4.30 30.98cde ± 12.056
24 P247 16a ± 1.567 22.3bcdefghi ± 1.219 33.79abc ± 3.066 37.28bcde ± 0.4847 44.5efg ± 11.85 7.14gh ± 0.865
25 P248 10defg ± 0.799 20.825 ghijk ± 1.314 29.48cdefg ± 1.389 38.12abcd ± 0.5951 112.73a ± 4.10 36.7bcd ± 3.604
Max. 16a ± 1.567 24.95a ± 0.833 36.52a ± 2.766 39.78a ± 0.9069 112.73a ± 4.10 63.75a ± 5.883
Min. 7.15g ± 0.891 19.025k ± 1.424 24.38h ± 1.906 30.77k ± 1.0157 20.33h ± 1.13 3.95h ± 0.466
CD 0.01 5.077 3.390 6.165 2.636 30.907 20.522
CD 0.05 3.825 2.568 4.652 1.987 23.295 15.464
C V 26.234 8.167 12.461 4.372 27.961 41.673** 2.987 3.412 2.814 9.65 5.559 10.136

Values are average of three replications; values after ± represents standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variance; CD, critical difference; ** Values are significant at 1 and 5% levels; As per Duncan’s grouping means with the same letter are not significantly different