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. 2017 Feb 10;38(4):669–680. doi: 10.1007/s00246-016-1565-6

Table 1.

Patient’s characteristics

Subject Age at time of CMR (y) Gender BSA (m2) Ventricular morphology Type of Fontan Diagnosis APC Complications NYHA
1 3 M 0.56 Left Extracardiac Unbalanced AVSD, small LV, PA, MAPCA, right isomerism, bilateral SVC, dextrocardia. Fenestrated* * PLE NYHA II
2 7 M 0.82 Left Extracardiac HLHS Yes Restrictive ASD NYHA III
3 4 M 0.68 Right Extracardiac HLHS, TAPVD, bilateral SVC Yes PLE NYHA IV
4 12 F 1.26 Right Extracardiac Hypoplastic right PA, left isomerism, interrupted IVC, dextrocardia No Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas NYHA IV
5 4 M 0.72 Right Extracardiac Hypoplastic aortic arch, CoA, VSD, DORV Yes LPA stenosis NYHA II
6 15 M 1.60 Right Extracardiac DORV Taussig Bing, unbalanced AVSD, PS, TAPVD, right isomerism Yes APC NYHA II
7 17 M 1.72 Right Lateral tunnel Single ventricle, DORV, TGA, dextrocardia No No NYHA I
8 14 F 1.37 Right Extracardiac Single ventricle, PS, TGA, right isomerism, bilateral SVC, TAPVD Yes No NYHA I
9 13 F 1.36 Left Extracardiac TGA, multiple VSD, hypoplastic pulm arteries Yes No NYHA I
10 29 M 1.72 Left Right atrium to PA Tricuspid atresia No No NYHA I
11 4 M 0.72 Left with long outflow tract Extracardiac DILV, TGA, PS, left pulm artery stenosis No No NYHA II

CMR cardiac magnetic resonance; BSA body surface area; APC aortopulmonary collaterals; NYHA New York Heart Association Functional Classification; AVSD atrioventricular septal defect; LV left ventricle; MAPCA major aortopulmonary collateral arteries; SVC superior vena cava; HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome; TAPVD total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage; IVC inferior vena cava; CoA coarctation of aorta; VSD ventricular septal defect; DORV double outlet right ventricle; PS pulmonary stenosis; TGA transposition of the great arteries; DILV double inlet left ventricle; PLE protein-losing enteropathy; ASD atrial septal defect; LPA left pulmonary artery

*Fenestrated extracardiac tunnel which makes the assessment of APC difficult