Figure 4.
Global attributable DALYs in 2015 for each Level 3 risk factor versus percentage change in SEV from 1990 to 2015 for both sexes combined
Risks with 100 000 DALYs or more are presented. DALYs are represented on a logarithmic scale. We have excluded occupational exposure to benzene, diesel engine exhaust, and occupational exposure to silica, which all had SEV increases of greater than 50%. Ambient PM=ambient particulate matter pollution. Arsenic=occupational exposure to arsenic. Asbestos=occupational exposure to asbestos. Asthmagens=occupational asthmagens. Beryllium=occupational exposure to beryllium. BMD=low bone mineral density. BMI=high body-mass index. Cadmium=occupational exposure to cadmium. Calcium=diet low in calcium. Cholesterol=high total cholesterol. Chromium=occupational exposure to chromium. DALYs=disability-adjusted life-years. Ergonomic=occupational ergonomic factors. Fibre=diet low in fibre. Formaldehyde=occupational exposure to formaldehyde. FPG=high fasting plasma glucose. Fruits=diet low in fruits. GFR=low glomerular filtration rate. Handwashing=no handwashing with soap. Household air=household air pollution. IPV=intimate partner violence. Lead=lead exposure. Milk=diet low in milk. Nickel=occupational exposure to nickel. Noise=occupational noise. Nuts and seeds=diet low in nuts and seeds. Occupational SHS=occupational exposure to second-hand smoke. Omega-3=diet low in seafood omega-3 fatty acids. Ozone=ambient ozone pollution. PAH=occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Physical activity=low physical activity. PM, gases, and fumes=occupational particulate matter, gases, and fumes. Processed meat=diet high in processed meat. PUFA=diet low in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Radon=residential radon. Red meat=diet high in red meat. Sanitation=unsafe sanitation. SBP=high systolic blood pressure. SEV=summary exposure value. SHS=second-hand smoke. Sodium=diet high in sodium. Sugar-sweetened beverages=diet high in sugar-sweetened beverages. Sulphuric acid=occupational exposure to sulphuric acid. Stunting=childhood stunting. Trans fatty acids=diet high in trans fatty acids. Trichloroethylene=occupational exposure to trichloroethylene. Underweight=childhood underweight. Vegetables=diet low in vegetables. Wasting=childhood wasting. Water=unsafe water. Whole grains=diet low in whole grains.