Figure 2. Maternally transmitted epigenetic silencing.
(A) Normalized sid-1 mRNA levels (relative to cpf-1) in single silenced and non-silenced parents and progeny (see Figure S2B for non-normalized data). Average ± SD of at least two technical replicates. (B) RNAi sensitivity of progeny (average of 62 per worm) from (n) F2 cross progeny described in (A) and their subsequent self-progeny fed dpy-11 RNAi. (C) RNAi sensitivity of progeny (average 68 per worm) from (n) F2 sid-1+/nDf32 hemizygous or sid-1+/sid-1+ cross progeny fed dpy-11 RNAi. (D) qRT-PCR measurement of sid-1 intron 4 and intron 6 expression in single worm adults relative to cpf-1 intron 5 expression. cDNA used for qRT-PCR was generated using a gene specific primer amplifying sid-1 and cpf-1. Average ± SD of at least two technical replicates is shown. See also Figure S2.