Neonatal hepatic regeneration arises from lineage-restricted progenitors. S0, D56 livers from ActinCreERT2R26
VT2/GK3 were sectioned and stained for CK18 and EpCAM to determine whether clones in the regenerated lobe contained both hepatocyte and bile duct epithelium. (A) Representative image of RFP and CFP clones overlaid with CK18 (Alexa Fluor 647) and EpCAM (Alexa Fluor 488); n = 164. (B) Clonal analysis (n = 164) across three S0, D56 ActinCreER; R26
VT2/GK3 mice with hepatocyte, cholangiocyte, or both fates. (C) Proposed model of neonatal liver regeneration based on our data includes progenitors restricted to hepatic or cholangiocytic lineages. (Scale bars, 100 μm.)