Fig. 21.3.
NEBs in lung sections from PHD-1 deficient and WT control mice visualized by multilabel immunoflourescence method and confocal microscopy. (a) Low magnification view of cross section of large airway in lung from PHD –1 deficient mouse (P2) immunostained for synaptophysin (green) to label NEB and nerve fibers and for smooth muscle actin to outline airway smooth muscle (red). Several large NEBs (circled) are present, some that are located at airway branch points (asterisks). (b) Close –up of large NEB from sample a) with closely packed immunoreactive cells and fine, beaded nerve fibres in adjacent smooth muscle and at the base of NEB cell cluster. (c) For comparison, NEB in lung of WT mouse is significantly smaller; however submucosal nerve fibres appear similar