Figure 1.
(A) Engineering the natural cis-acting R/G-site into a trans-acting guideRNA that steers wild-type hADAR2 to a reporter mRNA (CFP) to repair the Stop codon 66 (UA*G) to tryptophan. (B and C) In vitro RNA editing experiments in absence and presence of spermidine and of the R/G-motif in the guideRNA. Targeted adenosine is marked with an arrow; off-site editing around adenosine 381 is marked with *. The sequence of the control guideRNA lacking the R/G-motif was 5΄-NNN GAACACCCC*AGCACAGA. (B) Editing under high concentrations ([ADAR2] = 350 nM, [guideRNA] = 125 nM, [mRNA] = 25 nM, [Mg] = 3 mM). (C) Editing under low concentrations ([ADAR2] = 180 nM, [guideRNA] = 5 nM, [mRNA] = 0.5 nM, [Mg] = 1.5 mM).