Figure 5.
Unstructured SE termini are responsible for the interaction with U1 snRNP auxiliary proteins. (A) Schematic structure of the SE variants used in the study. Numbers above the scheme indicate amino acids of the protein (64). (B) YTH analyses of interactions between SE in full-length (SE) or mutated forms (SEΔN and SEΔC) and AtPRP39b, AtPRP40a, AtPRP40b and AtLUC7rl. AD, Gal4 activation domain; BD, Gal4 binding domain; L, Leu; T, Trp; H, His; A, Ade; Aur, Aureobasidin A. (C) FRET-FLIM analyses of protein interactions between SE and its U1 snRNP partners in Arabidopsis thaliana protoplasts. Donor, GFP fused to SE in full length (SE) or mutated forms (SEΔN, SEΔC and SE_N-GFP-SE_C); Acceptor, tagRFP (tRFP) fused to AtPRP39b, AtPRP40a, AtPRP40b, AtLUC7rl, AtPRP39a or AtCBP20; Fluorescence lifetime, lifetime of the donor molecule measured in picoseconds (ps). Error bars indicate the SEM (standard error of the mean, n > 10), and the asterisk indicates a significant difference between the sample in the presence and absence of an acceptor (*P < 0.001).