Table 1.
Study exclusion criteria
Population |
Populations with mean or median gestational age greater than 32 weeks |
Populations with mean or median postmenstrual age greater than 36 weeks at time of intervention |
Populations with a purposeful sample of healthy infants (defined as 3 or more of the following factors: never on oxygen, never on medications, no intraventricular hemorrhage or other perinatal brain injury, or if Apgar scores were >7 at 1 or 5 min) |
Interventions |
Interventions aimed at reduction of external stimuli (e.g. headphones to reduce noise) |
Interventions aimed at reducing pain (e.g. during heel stick or endotracheal suctioning) |
Breastfeeding interventions |
Therapeutic touch (non-touch, energy-balancing technique) |
Pacifier-activated sound (includes use of a learning element) |
Vibrating pacifiers (includes use of a learning element) |
Breathing bear (no direct intervention to the infant) |
NIDCAP (interventions individualized for each infant rather than a uniform, quantifiable intervention) |
Non-relevant outcomes |
Apnea |
Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity |
Breastfeeding measures or feeding outcomes |
Study design and other factors |
Studies published before 1995 |
Studies with a sample size < 30 without an a priori power calculation or sample size not attained |
Observational studies |
Pilot or feasibility studies |
Studies without a comparison group (case reports or case series) |
Systematic reviews that included studies with different EGA and PMA criteria |
Primary studies included as part of a relevant systematic review |
Non-English language studies |
Studies not published in a peer-reviewed journal (conference abstracts or dissertations) |
Studies with unclear or incomplete methods, statistical analysis or results |
Abbreviations: EGA, estimated gestational age; NIDCAP, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program; PMA, postmenstrual age.